this is me putting fondant on one of my mini cakes....a LOT harder than you might think! turns out my revolving cake stand doesn't work so well with the miniatures...

...and there was a little accident : )

but i did eventually get it covered and quickly piped some icing pearls around the bottoms. let me tell you though, canned icing doesn't work that great for decorating! as you can see, my pearls are not quite the same size! haha...but i did redo them so no worries.
so, another reason i wanted to do these mini cakes as practice was to test out painting fondant. i did some research and found that the best way to paint it is to use powder food coloring and lemon extract. i wanted to try it out and so i kind of just started spreading colors on! i decided to do a fairy cake dedicated to my dearest sister brailee because she always does these cute magical characters! but since it was just practice i didn't spend too much time on getting them too cute or their heads proportional or anything like you can tell. but it was fun! and even though the colors aren't that great and some of the fairies have problems, you have got to admit those mini cakes are just too cute!

so, another reason i wanted to do these mini cakes as practice was to test out painting fondant. i did some research and found that the best way to paint it is to use powder food coloring and lemon extract. i wanted to try it out and so i kind of just started spreading colors on! i decided to do a fairy cake dedicated to my dearest sister brailee because she always does these cute magical characters! but since it was just practice i didn't spend too much time on getting them too cute or their heads proportional or anything like you can tell. but it was fun! and even though the colors aren't that great and some of the fairies have problems, you have got to admit those mini cakes are just too cute!
an up close of a fairy! : ) and also you can now see that my pearls have been fixed and evened out! wahoo

just paintin'

me and my mini cake!...i didn't bother finishing the top and bottom layer because i really was just doing to it test out the paint...which turned out to work pretty good but it is a lot like using watercolors which are ANNOYING. the fondant soaks the liquid right in and so it bleads into places you don't want it to! you must be extremely careful. one great thing about it is that it smells delightful!

and there you have it! this is probably about the 4th cake i have covered in fondant. my very first one was in a wilton class, my second was a birthday cake (if i ever get brave i will put up a picture of was HORRIBLE...the fondant was the quick marshmallow kind and melted...sooo embarassing!), and my third was like a year ago after i made my first successful batch of fondant but i just left that white and didn't decorate it cause it was just for practice. so i guess this was the first successful cake covering and decorating i did! : )
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